Shooting Model Tests & Digitals / Polaroids

Fun fact: Modeling agencies once used Polaroid pictures to book modeling gigs for models. Modeling polaroids, now called modeling digitals are one of the most important portfolios a model can own. Not only can it land you high-profile modeling gigs, but it can also be your start in the modeling industry. But, if you want high-quality model digitals, you should have a professional photographer shoot them. Yes, you can shoot your own. But, there are a lot of details you could botch up that an experienced photographer can get right: lighting, poses, and composition. Not to mention, bringing out your best features. Here’s a guide on how to take model polaroids, if you’re a photographer, and how to get amazing model digitals if you’re a model.

Shooting Model Tests & Digitals, Polaroids - Daria Koso

What Are Tests & Digitals for Models?


A model test doesn’t differ a whole lot from a regular fashion photo shoot. Like a fashion shoot, it should highlight a model’s beauty, features, and photogenic qualities in front of the camera. Unlike a fashion photo shoot, however, it needs to have minimal styling and a neutral background so the eye can focus solely on the model.


Digital tests or polaroids for models are untouched photos that model agencies look at to assess what models look like in real life. Photographers will typically use natural or minimal lighting to show the model in as natural a light as possible – without hairstyling or heavy makeup.

Why the word “polaroids?” Before digital photography was born, polaroids were used to get an instant shot of what a model looked like. While polaroids for models are not as common today, the same rules apply. Digital tests should include:

  • A full-body shot with different angles and poses (front and profile)
  • A 3/4 shot from different angles
  • Headshots with a range of expressions

Why Are Tests & Digitals Important?

To say model tests and digitals for models are important is an understatement. These digitals are essentially what will get you in the door and get you your first modeling gig. In fact, digitals are what agencies look at when they decide whether or not to sign you. Some agencies don’t even schedule a casting. They’ll book you solely off the strength of your digitals. So, not only are digitals important, but they should bring out your best features – whether that’s clear skin, great cheekbones, or nice legs. They can also show how well you work in front of the camera, from your body movements to your expressions.

Do these tests and digitals help photographers as well? Absolutely. Agencies and models always need fresh digitals, which presents great opportunities for photographers. Plus, photographers can learn how to shoot agency-standard images. And shooting tons of tests for models can help photographers build a strong portfolio along the way.

Real-Life Uses of Tests & Digitals

Once photographers shoot digitals, these digitals take on a life of their own. Digitals serve many purposes besides being just a lookbook for modeling agencies. For one, agencies use digitals to present their models to clients and brands. Casting directors rely on them to select models for their fashion shows. And designers and brands use them to judge if a model aligns with their brand. Photographers also benefit by using digitals to attract more clients.

Lighting Setup for Tests & Digitals

The lighting setup for digitals is crucial. Lighting levels should be minimal if you want high-quality model digitals. In fact, natural lighting is often the best way to go.

Natural Light

For natural light, place your model near a source of light, like a large window. If you’re outdoors, shoot when the light is soft (morning or late afternoon). Try to avoid shadows as agencies are looking for natural skin tones and extreme lighting can make it difficult to gauge a model’s natural skin texture and tone.

Studio Lighting

Use 1-2 lights only and aim for soft lights. Some photographers may prefer to go with a softbox and a reflector to fill any shadows or to add a little more light on the face.

Choosing Between Color or Black and White

Digitals should always be in color. Tests can be in either color or black and white or a mixture of both.

How to Take Model Polaroids

To get high-quality digitals, make sure to schedule a well-planned photo session with an experienced fashion photographer. Look at modeling digitals examples to see the poses, facial expressions, and angles used. Here are some ways to ensure you get professional modeling digitals.

  • Get different angles
  • Get a variety of poses
  • Showcase a few outfits
  • Make sure your headshots show a variety of facial expressions
  • Use a white background

What Exactly Are Agencies Looking For?

Ever been curious about what agencies look for when they go through digitals and tests?


Agencies are looking for natural, fresh-faced looks. Avoid heavy makeup! They also want simple hair. Wear your hair in a ponytail or let it hang down simply. Avoid fancy hairdos. Keep the clothing minimal, and try to dress in fitted outfits so they can see your body. And lastly, headshots should show off your bone structure, so go with neutral expressions.


Photographers should have clean shots with minimal to no retouching. The shots should ideally be set against neutral backgrounds so agencies can focus solely on the model. In addition, the outfits should be simple.

Final Tips for Models & Photographers

Remember that agencies want an honest representation of who you are, so keep the photo shoot simple: the clothes, the hair, the look. Make sure you can offer an array of expressions and versatility. Another thing to remember is that agencies will want you to update your digitals every 3-6 months, which gives you plenty of time to perfect your photos!

To produce a high-quality test, photographers should keep the lighting and editing minimal and lean towards natural light, if possible. Make sure the model doesn’t overpose and that the shot is clean with little distraction (if any). It may be a good idea for photographers and models to browse modeling digitals examples together and decide on different poses and expressions they like.

Want to build your modeling portfolio and book a model test? Contact Miami-based professional photographer, Daria Koso, to get started!

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